Wow, it´s been a busy last couple of months. When both sets of parents ask you where you´ve been hiding out, and you have to catch them up on... well... everything, you know it´s been crazy. But although stressful, even the stressful parts are wonderful, which is quite the new experience for me.
Matt and I have both really enjoyed working at the chicken restraunt in Ñuñoa. Especially Matt. It´s so nice to see him in his element, enjoying the little moments, deep in conversation with customers or running around during a lunch rush hooting yee-ha! Erick gives him free reign to try new ideas, and implement things he´d only studied in business college. So far, he´s supersized the vegetarian sandwich from Avacado/Tomato, to falafel with the works, and he´s been tracking sales on pop and trying new strategies of loading the cooler to increase sales. So basically, the hippies and the coke adicts all love him! Not bad for the first 3 months of work!
I´ve started teaching private English classes and have really enjoyed it. My yoga instructor sent out a mass email for me, and who woulda guessed it, yogis are really into expanding their horizons and continuing education. Most Chileans have had English classes since kindergarten, so they often just want the opportunity to talk with someone who will help correct their mistakes and... well, just talk. I haven´t had any trouble doing that one!
I also found a wonderful prayer group. Did you know that there are 2 words for prayer in Spanish? One is basic praying of any kind (rezar) and the other (orar) is intentionally searching for that deeper encounter with God and meeting him in prayer. In our ´encounter with prayer´ we learn and practice new strategies in prayer to help strengthen that encounter. I have also been so blessed in having Sister Rosita in my life. She encourages Matt and I and supports us in such a complete way. In our crazy schemes and dreams of continuing to work with the Girls and the Hogar, she´s our biggest chearleader. She also hooked me up with her spiritual director, Father Mario. What a blessed gift from God! We meet once a week and he accompanies me on my spiritual journey. It is the first time I have felt this supported spiritually. Yes, through the years I have had a lot of support, but it has always been in little bursts. Life happens each day. We grow each day. It´s a process. Spiritual life is no different, in order to be real, it must be real each day.
When Matt and I decided that our time here in Chile was not finished last February, we didn´t exactly know why. It was more of a feeling, and we figured what the heck, we could both do with a little more intensive Spanish. We have been so blessed these last 4 months. Being able to help and support in the aftermath of the earthquake, each special weekend we spend with the girls out on the town, Matt being able to dabble in his dream of running his own restraunt, and me taking a fresh step in my spiritual journey, and trying my hand at being an entrepreneur. It´s amazing how God can help you along in so many aspects of your journey if you listen to his wispers and then take a leap of faith.
I wanted to close with a picture that Esmerelda took 2 Sundays ago when we got to pamper her and Soledad. She was having so much fun with the camera, and my nervous Nellie side of me said, ok, maybe that´s enough... but I didn´t say a word, I just enjoyed watching her joy. This was the last picture that she took.