Sunday, February 28, 2010

Chilean earthquake number 1_0001.wmv

Ok this short little video might explain some of the things that we have talked to you about or that we have written on facebook. Thank God for modern technology.

Summary of a Year of Donations

Check it out!  It's pretty impressive :). 
From Feb.2009-Feb.2010.

Food and celebrations:
- Food supplies for Sunday Lunches (all year long)
 - Birthdays presents and cakes for about 25 girls throughout the year
- Birthday party bash for January and February b-days
- various snacks for "potluck" style celebrations at school
- End of year field trip for kids graduating from 8th grade

Equipment for the Hogar:
- Washmachine
- Refrigerater
- 3 Armours/Closets, one for each 'house'
- Potato dicer and a real can opener

Projects at the Hogar:
- Music CD's for relaxation and ballet/Yoga classes at the Hogar
- Ballet slippers and costumes for the performance last May
- Picture collage for each child (15), and 1 large picture collage for the house
- Gardening supplies and vegetable/flower seeds

- Doctor Appointments for the girls
- Additional sessions with a psychologist

School costs:
- Help with additional tuition costs
- Additional sessions with a learning specialist (teaching learning strategies)
- Additional School supplies for art projects

- Fees for swimming Classes
- Visit to a planetarium
- End of year Concert and theater shows- costume for end of year dance performance

Wish list for Future Projects at the Hogar

And the work continues!  We are going to continue to accompany the girls at the Hogar in every way we can, on the weekends, and with ambitious projects geared towards making the girl's lives just that much more enriched.  Here are some of our ideas and dreams, we hope you can be a part of them as well!

- Large play toy in the back yard for the girls
- Weekend outings for girls who rarely leave the hogar
- Continued support for Extra-Curricular Activities at School
- Supplementing the girl's weekly diet with yogurt, milk, fruits, and cheese
- Bed covers for the girls' beds

Do you have any ideas, or fun suggestions?  Leave a comment!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Christmas_0001Vina Del Mar.wmv

This is a little unusual considering that we just had a huge earth quake but we had no internet for a while, and I had time on my hands so We made this video.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Barb and Mike Costanti Vist Hogar ines Riesco Llona

The first video I made I know it needs a lot of work but I got better with time, and a new camera.

Frenchfry Making in Santiago Hogar Ines Riesco Llona

The first part of french Fry making fun teaching the Girls how to cook.

Hogar Ines Riesco Llona Feast of the Magi_0001.wmv

A couple of days after Christmas a few donors made the fest of the Magi an excellent event at the Hogar. Thanks again

Hogar Ines Riesco Llona Navidad 2009 Short part1 youtube_0001.wmv

Christmas the first part and Christmas morning.

Hogar Ines Riesco Llona Navidad 2009 Short part3 youtube_0001.wmv

Christmas the third chapter.

Sor Luisa_0001.wmv

This is a video of a sister we worked with named Sor Luisa. Here she is taking her first vows. It is like becoming engaged for the rest of us.

The Braunwart's Visit the Hogar Ines Riesco Llona

This this our family in the Hogar and all of the things we did together.

Hogar Ines Riesco Llona Braunwart Visit_0001.wmv

This is when the Braunwarts came to visit, sure was fun.

French Fry Making Hogar Ines Riesco Llona

French Fri making at the Hogar

Saturday, February 20, 2010

For we walk by faith, not by sight....

How do we find true faith? To be able to say, “Speak Lord, your servant is listening”? God asks very different things of all of us, and we never know what other journeys He is preparing us for. We must have faith in His wisdom.

When my husband, Matt, and I decided we wanted to come on mission, we were walking by sight, and trying to guide ourselves with human wisdom. We had very specific goals we wanted to accomplish. Now, as we reflect on our year I am filled with gratitude and great awe. While our time here has had many great challenge, it has also been very rich and transformative. The ways in which we have grown in wisdom, strength and faith, both individually and as a couple, far out weigh the difficult transitions and struggles.

To our great surprise, the most beautiful gifts that we have received are not the things we initially set out to accomplish. We could not have seen these benefits before coming into mission. We could not have written them down on our Pros & Cons list. If someone had related their similar experience, it would not have been the same, as each gift is personal. They are things God could not have revealed to us either, His Wisdom being far beyond our grasp.

The only way to receive these gifts was with Faith. You must pay the piper up front, not knowing what you will find in that box, under all those ribbons and pretty paper. But within the mystery is it’s beauty, and the prize is deeper love and true joy. It is a true miracle, that triggers an immense desire of the heart to leap with joy and thanksgiving.

Friday, February 19, 2010

New Photo Album - Nuevo Álbum de Fotos

A picture says a thousand words :).
Hágase clic en la palabra ´picture´ a aceder.


As promised! Here are the pictures of the sunflowers in bloom! Enjoy.
We couldn't just leave the Hogar with a weedy garden! All the girls pitched in and worked hard to spruce it up before we headed off on vacation. They have also taken a solemn vow to water every day.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Donation Updates

Hello, all! This is a little late, but better late than never! I wanted to catch you all up on some of the awesome work that your donations have done here in Chile.

Sunday Lunches
Matt continued to cook weekly meals for the girls all the way up through our last week at the Hogar. The last few weeks we had pizza, lasagna, and hamburgers. Matt was still getting lots of requests for another pizza day so we figure we'll have to do an encore when we get back to Santiago from traveling South. All the food for these meals was bought fresh thanks to your donations and helped supplement the diet and the food budget at the Hogar.
The girls helped out and had a lot of fun, and learned good skills in the kitchen too!

Who Says School is all Math and Reading?!
During the 2nd semester of school, we saw the need for more funds for extra curricular education costs. For 4 months, from September to December, we gave $100 each month to the sisters to use to this end. Here is a short list of activities the girls were able to do that they would not have been able to participate in without your help.

- Visit to a planetarium- End of year Concert
- Theater Show
- costume for end of year dance performance
- various snacks for "potluck" style celebrations
- Additional sessions with psychologist
- Additional sessions with a learning specialist (teaching learning strategies)
- End of year field trip for kids graduating from 8th grade
- Additional School supplies for art projects
- Help with additional tuition costs

Saying Goodbye and Celebrating A Year!
For February, we decided to have one big birthday party for all the February birthdays, 7 in total (plus 2 more who were on vacation.) We celebrated on our last day in mission at the Hogar, Feb. 15th, and had a blow out party.

We also made a simple picture collage for each girl to hang in their bedroom, and a large collage for the house. Pictures are so important to remember all the good memories we have, and help make a house feel more like a home. This was our parting gift to the girls.

Here the girls are helping put the last finishing touches on the collage with stickers.

We wouldn't have been able to do so much, or be so generous without all of your help. Know that we hold you all dear to our hearts and in our prayers.

Our Mission time at the Hogar may be over, but we have just only begun to accompany the girls at the Hogar. We will be in Santiago for another 5 months and will be going to the Hogar on the weekends to accompany the girls, take them on field trips, cook meals and tend the garden. We are also working on a project to help build a climbing toy for the girls in the back patio. Currently they do not have any safe place where they can climb and play in this way. We will keep you all posted and let you know how you can help!