Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

A very Merry Christmas to everyone! Sending blessings of love and peace to you and all those you hold dear. We hope that you cherish the greatest gift of the season and surround yourself with those you love.

We spent the first week of christmas with the Braunwart side of the family. They were great, we had a birthday, and a Christmas all in the same week. Janelle's Grandma turned 37 again this year. She is really 87 but she is really spunky. We then made the hair raising drive down the Columbia Gorge in the ice and snow to Portland. There we met up with Janelle's brother and sister to celebrate Christmas. We were snowed in for three days in which we played lots of card games and had so much fun. Then we came North to celebrate Christmas with the Costanti side of the family. The little Diablos are so adorable and growing like weeds. We had pasta vongulie on Christmas Eve, and prime rib and raveoli on Christmas. It was wonderful to spend the time with our families before we depart for our life of services.

In 4 short days we will be on the plane again to San Antonio, Texas. Here we will participate in 2 weeks of formation/orrientation for our coming work as lay missioners with the Salesian Sisters. We are so excited to finally meet Sister Mary Gloria and everyone in San Antonio. Keep us in your prayers as we begin this next part of our adventure.


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Janelle and Matt,
So Sory the weather kept us from seeing you befor your departure. We send all our love and best wishes. Can hardly wait to hear all about your adventures. Have a great year and a great trip. Safe travel to you and God's blessing.

Auntie Patty and Uncle Russ

The Juenemanns said...

Merry Christmas Matt and Janelle, We could have almost probably passed in the Gorge as we headed to Ellensburg for Christmas, but it was closed when we were planning to leave so we had to go over White Pass. Glad you made it safe and sound and good luck with the next leg of your adventure. I enjoy reading your blog and staying caught up on your adventures :) - Heather :)

Anonymous said...

Good luck with everything as you get ready to embark on your next big adventure! Do you know exactly where you will be going yet? I look forward to hearing about it! God bless, and safe travels!

Matt and Janelle said...

Patty and Russ,
We were bummed out about the weather as well. I guess it's all just part of the adventure. We are back in Washington State now and have some more time before the big shove off... so hopefully we'll be able to see you before then. Sending love, Janelle & Matt