Saturday, January 23, 2010

Growing gardens

As promised! Pictures from the garden.

This is Nino and Cinthia doing some late night planting. We finally found some basil, oregano and tomatoes we could buy close to the Hogar and jumped on it.
This is Connie, Denise and Javiera. The sunflower have been the biggest hit in the garden. The seeds were a gift from a friend from Vilches and one of the girls ended up planting them all for me. The other girls got so jealous once they started growing so wild, and wanted to take some ownership too, so we finally 'gave' each girl a sunflower to take 'special care of' and watch grow. In Spanish sunflowers are called Maravillas, or 'wonderous' which seems perfect to me.

My favorite story recently from the garden is when the kids suggested they should pull the weeds growing up under the sunflowers. Cinthia, who has been helping us water and plant, was so torn, wanting to keep the garden up and help in every aspect, but also wanting to take care of every plant, including all our weeds. Finally the sentimental side won over and she defended the poor defenseless weeds, and besides, they looked so nice and pretty.

We've got some twine for a little fence in our garden to keep little feet from trampling the plants. The bicycles have added an extra challenge to it's stability, but when ever it falls down or gets pushed around the girls fix it right away and make sure everything is in it's place.
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