Sunday, February 28, 2010

Summary of a Year of Donations

Check it out!  It's pretty impressive :). 
From Feb.2009-Feb.2010.

Food and celebrations:
- Food supplies for Sunday Lunches (all year long)
 - Birthdays presents and cakes for about 25 girls throughout the year
- Birthday party bash for January and February b-days
- various snacks for "potluck" style celebrations at school
- End of year field trip for kids graduating from 8th grade

Equipment for the Hogar:
- Washmachine
- Refrigerater
- 3 Armours/Closets, one for each 'house'
- Potato dicer and a real can opener

Projects at the Hogar:
- Music CD's for relaxation and ballet/Yoga classes at the Hogar
- Ballet slippers and costumes for the performance last May
- Picture collage for each child (15), and 1 large picture collage for the house
- Gardening supplies and vegetable/flower seeds

- Doctor Appointments for the girls
- Additional sessions with a psychologist

School costs:
- Help with additional tuition costs
- Additional sessions with a learning specialist (teaching learning strategies)
- Additional School supplies for art projects

- Fees for swimming Classes
- Visit to a planetarium
- End of year Concert and theater shows- costume for end of year dance performance

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